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Environmental Survey

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Aerial Drone Survey Mapping

Effective management of Environmental Conservation & Custodial Responsibility is achieved through valid, comprehensive data collection as to the current state of the area of interest. Quantifiable and verifiable current state data provision, yield effective decisions capability and value for money spent on survey programs. Aerial Drone survey, mapping, with high capability and time efficient UAV platforms, provides a cost effective, comprehensive data collection methodology, as compared to many existing small UAV short duration market offerings. Our users include:

  • Agricultural and other property owners

  • Exploration tenements & rehabilitation

  • Natural Resources governmental custodians

  • Environmental and Scientific Research university programs

  • Tourism Operators

  • Marine Park Authorities

  • Institutes of Marine Science

  • Local government waterways /dam storage and beaches

UASA offer a range of mission specific short to long endurance UAV platforms together with high definition visual imagery and hyper-spectral sensor payloads for your comprehensive survey or monitoring requirements. Additionally, UASA has ROV underwater survey capability to offer a complete above and below the waterline marine based surveys both in natural environments and water infrastructure.

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The Queensland Government recognises that drones and associated technologies present a wealth of opportunities and challenges for Queensland’s businesses, industries, current and future workforce, and our communities.

UASA | UAS Aviation Services Australia |

ABN 82 624 074 791 *



Mobile 0475 983 244 

UAS Aviation Services | Drone Services Brisbane| Drone Operator Hire Services Brisbane | Drone Operations Brisbane | Drone Services Gold Coast | Drone Operator Hire Services Gold Coast  | Drone Operator Hire Services Sunshine Coast | Drone Operator Hire Services Toowoomba |  Drone Hire Services Logan | Drone Hire Services Ipswich | Drone Services Queensland | Drone Operator Hire Services Queensland | UAV - Unmanned Aerial Vehicles | UAS - Unmanned Aerial Systems | ROV - Remotely Operated Vehicles for underwater inspections | Aerial Photography | Aerial Survey | Facilities Management and Asset Inspection Photography | Environmental Services Photography | Natural Resources Photography | Real Estate Photography | Commercial Photography | Promotional Events Photography | Shark Alert System | Shift Geophysics Pty Ltd ReOC 810907 | AirGeoX | Aeromagnetic | Airborne Geophysical Survey

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