Associate: Adam Kroll, Co-Owner AirGeoX and MD of Shift Geophysics has extensive management experience across a range of disciplines including being a Geophysicist for 15 years, brings a wealth of specialist scientific and Airborne Geophysical Survey (UAV) experience to UASA.
• Bachelor of Science (Geophysics) Honors from Curtin University
• Master’s in Business Administration from Deakin University
• Certificate IV in Occupational Health and Safety from Swan TAFE
• CASA Remote Pilots License
• CASA ReOC 0997 Shift Geophysics
Senior geophysicist
Technical sales geophysicist
Geophysical processing trainer and processor
Ground and airborne magnetic acquisition with Shift Geophysics since 2011
International UAV company introduction of a heliborne electromagnetic system from Canada to Australia
UAV Airship and Helicopter operations
Pixhawk autopilot UAV installation and operation
Processing magnetic data from raw to final for acquisition companies
Enhancements modelling inversion